Parking at Hotel Millepini & Y-40

Always included in the stay

The construction of Phi 12 has taken away some parking spaces, but there will be a parking area available 400 meters away and a loading and unloading zone with porter servic

Parking at Hotel Millepini & Y-40

Ten years after the laying of the first stone for Y-40 The Deep Joy, the world's deepest thermal water pool, next to Hotel Terme Millepini, construction has begun on a new submerged thermal space called Phi 12.

This new deep pool, which will be located alongside Y-40 The Deep Joy, has also been designed by Architect Emanuele Boaretto, specializing in deep diving structure design.

This new dream that we believed in is coming true, and with your understanding, you will help us make it a reality.

Parking for your car or motorcycle is always free, but due to the new construction on the hotel premises, spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

If hotel parking spaces are full, you will find available spaces at the Trachite Euganea quarry, right next to the hotel and well-marked by signs, as well as in the free parking lot located 400 meters from the hotel in Piazza Fallaci in Turri.

There will always be a parking area in front of the entrance, allowing you to check-in while our porter service takes care of your luggage, which you will find directly in your room.